Personal Philosophy

On Human Development.

So, I pose a question. If given identical Planet Earths and starting with identical male and female humans, would humanity develop in identical ways? In a world of infinite possibilities could two seemingly identical situations produce similar results?

I know the question is quite heavy handed. I don’t expect a succinct answer it was just something I was thinking about the other day. We have so many actions that are ingrained in us that require no thought whatsoever. If we are given a hammer we know that we hold it by the handle and hit a nail. These behaviors are learned though. What’s even more of a conundrum is that actually thinking of the hammer is also learned. There was not always hammers and we dug them up and used them. That’s really the meat of my question. Would the two humanities develop different tools? Would one develop faster than the other? Who would be the first to space?

I think the results would be even more interesting. Say the societies developed pretty much the same way. What does that tell us about out makeup? Are all these tasks ingrained in us? Are we truly not an anomaly? How about if they developed radically different. Are we special? Did we have some spark of evolutionary serendipity to get us to where we are today?

I am really curious to hear what you guys think. What do you think would happen in this hypothetical situation?

The short and sweet is that I think the two humanities would develop differently. I think that due to the incredible randomness of the universe that they would end up in very different situations given the same amount of time. That’s just my feeling. Again, I want to know what you think! Please, leave me a comment!

Music Personal

On 8th Grade Music.

I have a pretty big catalog of music, or at least I think I do. I know it pales in comparison to some real music fans who have devoted much more time than I have to their collections. I have been thinking about when I actually started really getting into music. That brings me to 8th grade. That’s as far back as I can remember when I started seriously listening, examining, and enjoying music.  I decided to extract my top 5 albums that stand the test of time. These were awesome back then and are still amazing even now. I must clear up that these albums may have not been released when I was in 8th grade, these are simply when I discovered them. Also, they have no place value.

Weezer – Blue Album

Weezer – Green Album

The Ataris – Blue Skies, Broken Hearts…Next 12 Exits

The Strokes – Is This It

Coldplay – Parachutes

If you have never listened to these I highly recommend them. I plan on doing more of these. It’s really a chance to connect with a younger me and make awesome musical suggestions. Well, I did it. 2 posts in one week. Hopefully this makes up for my lack of post the week before.


On my horrible inefficiency.

Well kids, I already failed. I was aware of it the whole time too. I don’t know why I find it so hard to just sit down and write something. It really isn’t bad. Instead of giving up I am going to try to write two blog posts this week. I hope that will make amends! I don’t have any real place for these pictures so I am just going to spread them throughout this article with no rhyme or reason. They are just Purdue after a snow. It’s not record breaking snow and nothing really noteworthy about them save the snow.


So, I thought I would use this article to explain my blog process, since I can’t seem to settle on anything this week. Basically I have like a million things per day I would love to write about. For whatever reason I feel the need to flesh everything out and make it into a novel. It really doesn’t need to be and there probably would be a lot more content on here if I just wrote little mini posts more often. That’s kind what this resolution is about though, figuring out a more effective and efficient process.

Purdue Memorial Snownion!

Basically, my current procedure involves this:

  1. Think of an idea.
  2. Explore that idea.
  3. Get really excited about it.
  4. Record it in a place to be remembered later.
  5. Don’t look at it for weeks.
  6. Try to write the post.
  7. Write the opening sentence.
  8. Never write sentence two.
  9. Repeat.

Campus and Snow

The really long blogs, the ones I actually like, are basically thought of and written within a very short time. I really need to cut down on the latency between thought and writing, it keeps things fresh. Well this was boring, but I will have a MUCH better blog hopefully tonight or tomorrow morning. It’s a music one!