Personal Philosophy

On Stuff I’ve Been Thinking About.

I am starting this blog project with some friends of mine that is similar to the 24-Hour Blog Day 1 and 2. If you took 24-Hour Blog Day and stretched it out you’d have this project. The basic concept is that a rotating person (a new person chosen from a rotation of people not a person who is spinning. Duh, guys.) chooses a topic and we all have to write a posts on it within a week. Simple. To prepare myself for it I decided to write just a short post just to sand some of the rust off.

Basically, I want to just present you with some things that have been on my mind grapes.

  • VCRs, Cassete Tapes, Film Cameras, Vinyl Records. They are all analog devices. We are, or are getting very close to being, completely off analog storage standards for our media. Given our high definition video and audio and it’s storage being in a digital format; Do you think that we could have achieved this kind of fidelity with analog devices?
  • How everything can be described by a mathematical function, eventually.
  • How incredibly elegant computers are. I mean we take fantastically enormous functions and problems and break it down to a series of functions on 1s and 0s. How amazing.
  • How the SNES is great. It really is great.
  • Why people who claim to be Christian forget the golden rule of “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Would you want another to restrict your rights as a person? My guess is no, but it’s hard to look at things from another’s point of view. That being said it’s important to try. Tolerance and acceptance can only be found in another’s shoes.

These are just some of the myriad things I have been thinking about. What do you guys think about any of this? Lemme know and stay tuned for at least weekly blog updates thanks to the blog project. First one is coming up in a couple days.

Blog Day 2011 Part 2

Topic 13: The Nature of Identity

“The Nature of Identity”

I choose to interpret this as the nature of purpose as related to identity. To me there may not be a general “purpose” for us existing. The purpose is what you make of it. Find something you love and figure out a way to do it for the rest of your life. That becomes your identity and purpose. Have fun and enjoy the time you have. Remember, your life and time will always be what you make of it, even in the most dire of circumstances.

Personal Philosophy

On Future Goals Through the Lens of Physical Fitness.

My friends will laugh when seeing the title of this post because it is something I have been very vocal about since I started taking physical fitness seriously. I promise this post will not be in the style of dudebro. More this is peek into my thoughts and feelings on physical fitness and exercise as a whole and why I believe it can propel our other, loftier goals.


As said in numerous other posts I have not been the most athletic lad growing up. I was always a very skinny kid, but once junior high came around my metabolism decided it needed a rest and has been asleep every since. About the time I hit junior or senior year of high school I was fed up with being as chubby as I was. My weight fluctuates like crazy so in the past years I have gone from weights as low as 155 to as high as 210. Without boring you too much with the past that brings me to now.


I live in a country where one of our biggest health problems lies in our gluttony. You would be hard pressed to walk into a store, park, or any other venue where people congregate without running into someone overweight. I do understand that some people have genetic issues where it is extremely hard to lose weight, and I do have sympathy for those individuals, but the majority of us do not suffer from such misfortunes. No, most of us just can’t help but stuff our faces with the myriad fast food choices available at the drop of a hat. If you break it down to its base parts, the issue does not lie with taste, connivence, or speed, but in our loss of discipline. We can’t seem to muster up the will power to abstain from practices we know to be bad or difficult to accomplish.

If you can tell from my thinly veiled attempt to lead you into seeing that obesity is not a problem just for our diets, but due to the society as a whole. The bar to which we hold ourselves accountable to has become deplorable. We used to be a nation who would not settle for second best, but in a few short generations, second best isn’t even an attainable goal.

This past year I have lead a personal charge to not fall prey to the prevailing attitudes. One such attempt has been made on my physical well-being. I didn’t just want to get in decent shape; I wanted great shape. It has been tough. Really tough. Tougher than many things have done in recent memory. I’ve started a program called P90X which is all about intensity and discipline. It’s a rigorous 90 day program where you work out every day and cover just about all aspects of physical fitness. To get the results promised you also have to modify your diet, which you can do with the provided nutrition guide. The thing is that it’s not just the physical endurance you will need to do it, it’s the mental discipline. It is everyday for 90 days. You don’t miss a day.


I’m about 40 days into it and there has been days where I just don’t want to do it. It’s physically demanding and some days I can’t seem to muster the energy to start it. There is a line that the host, Tony Horton, says in one of the videos, “Just keep pushing play.” It’s simple, but good advice. Once you start it’s not bad. If you can just hit the play button, the next thing you know another day will be ticked off the list. I want to dispel something I hear quite often which is that some people who exercise often are somehow less effected by the exercise, i.e., the more fit you are the less exercise hurts. Exercising is tough no matter how in shape you are, it’s exhausting, it burns, it’s painful. The point I am trying to get across is that exercise isn’t so much about it being fun (which it very well can be), but about being healthy, living longer, being less prone to disease and injury, and all the other great benefits that come along with being physically well.


Being fit opens up a whole new world of things to you. The energy and self-confidence gained will astonish you. It focuses you and gets you motivated to achieve goals that are difficult to see. This may not be of interest to all of you, but there is many parts of this green Earth that are not able to be reached by car, bus, plane, train, or boat. You can see the majesty and beauty this world actually contains, but it’s hard to do that when you have to climb or walk there without being in shape. There is a blog that I ran into recently that chronicled the journey three guys took on their bike from the southern-most tip to the northern-most tip of Japan. They biked the whole way and spent most of it outside. It just seems like such a great journey and those guys can tell you it whipped their butt to do it.

This post probably sounds preachy, but it’s supposed to. The human body was meant to climb, jump, run, and play. That and our brain helped us achieve the dominance we enjoy today. Ignoring half of ourselves is not right. We are becoming more and more a sedentary culture and it will lead to being like those humans in WALL-E. I have never been more motivated, energetic, and productive. I have also never been more in shape. The strong correlation is not an accident, it is what gave us the edge. It’s how we evolved. To fight it is to invite problems into your life. Once you realize this, you will be much happier. I am.

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