Nonsense Personal


10 favorites
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Food: White Castle
Favorite Band/Singer: Weezer, The Flaming Lips, and a couple of others.
Favorite Song: Right Now, BurndtJamb by Weezer
Favorite Movie: Star Wars, Sin City, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Battle Royale
Favorite Sport: Golf
Favorite Seasons: Fall
Favorite Day Of the Week: Friday
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Vanilla
Favorite Time of Day: Night

9 Currents…
Current Mood: Happy, but Nervous
Current Taste: Raspberry Iced Tea
Current Clothes: Jeans and A Japan Shirt
Current Desktop Picture: a picture Angie took of a heart-shaped rock
Current Time: 7:20 PM
Current Surroundings: computer, =w= shelf, N64
Current Annoyance(s): Hungry
Current Thought: How am I gonna get all my homework finished?
Current Crush: It doesn’t really matter.

8 Firsts…
First Best Friend: Kevin Romanak and Sean Conner
First Kiss: Stephanie
First Screen Name: Um, I really don’t know – it was pretty close to my current one.
First Pet: Fish
First Crush: Kourtney Hudi
First Music: Let’s not talk about that…
First Car: 1991 Nissan Maxima aka The Max
First Love: Stephanie Clark

7 Lasts…
Last kiss: Angie
Last Drink: Skim Milk
Last Car Ride: From work to home
Last Movie Seen: In theaters, Charlie in the Chocolate Factory.
Last Phone Call: Angie
Last CD Played: Pinkerton by Weezer
Last Food: Veggie Lasagna

6 Have You Evers….
Have You Ever Dated One Of Your Best Friends: Yes
Have You Ever Broken the Law: Yes
Have You Ever Been Arrested: No
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: Kinda
Have You Ever Been on TV: Yes
Have You Ever Kissed Someone You Didn’t Know? Only during spin the bottle.

5 Things….
5 Things You’re Wearing: Japan Shirt, Jeans, Underwear, Glasses, Bracelets
5 Things You’ve Done Today: School, Work, Showered, Updated My Space, Played Some N64
5 Things You Can Hear Right Now: Weezer, The Whir of My Computer, A Fan, My Dog Rustling Around, My Typing
5 Things You Can’t Live Without: Food, Water, Music, Video Games, Company
5 Things You Do When You’re Bored: Listen to Music, Play Video Games, Peruse The Internet, Drive Around, Sleep

4 Places You’ve Been…
1. Japan
2. New York
3. Florida
4. Japan

3 People You Can Tell Anything To:
1. Angie
2. Justin
3. Grace

2 Choices…
1. Black or White: Black
2. Hot or Cold: Cold

1 Thing You Want to Do Before You Die: Live in Japan.


Angie’s 17th

Today was Angie’s big one-seven, which, overall, is the nothing year. It’s so nothing that the ratings people decided to give seventeen-year-olds the privilege to see R-rated movies. Oh, and don’t forget, you can buy M-rated video games, too. Anyway, we went to Stake ‘n Shake with Beth, Grace, Zack, and Tim – the food was good. Then we headed over to Beth’s house where we kind of just hung out and watched sex scenes from this Mexican movie. I was hoping for a really awesome day for her, but overall it turned out mediocre. Hell, it was better than nothing, right? I got her a vegan hoodie she has been hurting for. I hope she enjoys it thoroughly. I went to Sam’s surprise birthday party last night and, surprisingly, he was surprised. It was pretty fun except the skeeters were out in a huge way. I got bit like a metric buttload amount of times. Also, that night, I finally got the balls to apologize to my ex-girlfriend from two years ago about the messy breakup. It seems as if we are OK now, but time will tell. This is just kind of an update. I will try to post tomorrow.

Nonsense Personal

My Dad Makes an Apperance

This entry is going to be kind of short, but it’s just an update. Yesterday, I was supposed to hang out with Angie all day, but my infuriating father said I had to go golfing which eats up four hours out of my day. 🙁 After the insanely useless and boring round of golf I actually got to hang out with Angie. It was actually very fun. We went to Smokey Bones to eat and there was this awesome waiter there named Rob which I think I have a crush on. We also went to tutor this kid named Rob. Wow, I just realized that we had a night full of Robs. Anyway, this kid got suspended from school for bringing in an air-soft gun – which probably wasn’t a smart idea. Again, anyway, this kids voice was so slurred it was ridiculous, but we did teach him some Algebra. After that we went to my house and hung out for a couple of hours. We didn’t really do a whole lot, but it was still very enjoyable. Well that is my update. I will post more soon.