Creative Writing Personal Philosophy

On Poetry Month – Poem 3.

As my ongoing commitment to Poetry Month I bring you a poem inspired by my current fascination with the singularity.

I tried to write this in the style of E.E. Cummings and while it’s not up to snuff compared to him. I do think it has some caché to it.

Love in 2552

I do think when

We do merge (inevitably-finally)

With machines

We will not lose – the ability to



Consider the works-innovations-breakthroughs

Fueled solely by



The spectrum of emotions

Fully realized only by

The ebb and flow of



That’s why

Though a virus at times

As machines we will be

With a heart and still with – the ability to


Personal Philosophy

On Science v. Love.

Well, it seems like it is that time again. It wouldn’t seem right to not have a a few musings on love show up on this site. I don’t think I have had a proper one in some time. Hopefully my experiences since then in Love and in English make this a more palatable experience.

So, Love, right? Despite appearances I actually consider myself quite the romantic; on that same token I consider myself quite the scientist. Put side by side the two are at odds with one another. Science is cold and calculating, emotionless and logical. Love is crazy and wild, all the cards on the table, reckless. How can these two live harmoniously without being at odds? Well, in short, they can’t. (You thought I was going to give you a reason why they can, weren’t you?) This does not mean that a person with feet firmly planted in both camps can’t live without a massive amount of cognitive dissonance. It just takes some work.

Science allows us to view the world in a way that is objective. As humans we are inherently emotional. These can and often do cloud the ways we view things. For purposes of this example, think of a time when you were sleeping alone, perhaps all along in a big house with no one else around. There was probably a time during that experience when you got a little spooked for reasons that are not entirely based in reality. Science does not allow one to think that way. That’s why I love Science and I base almost every belief I have on it. It is completely logical and makes sound decisions based on data and evidence. But…

How boring would it be to live a life, a human life, only through the lens of the scientific method. To me, as humans, we are given this amazing ability to express and experience emotions. That is why I leave love up to this side of my psyche. Sure, there is science that explains why and how we feel the way we do. You could read it (which I have) and fully understand that love in and of itself is a biological process that is primarily used for procreation, but that is too much for me. We are sentient beings capable of thought. We can control our baser instincts and extrapolate more from them as well. I am driven by love, and I dare say I’m not alone. Most of humanities most beautiful arts are expressions of love, be it new love or loss. This is something that I can’t imagine would have happened if we fully understood what drives us as humans and rejected every impulse.

Love is fickle though. If you live by the sword you also die by the sword, and that means opening yourself to myriad other emotions that may impede your life. The great thing is though by allowing yourself to be hurt you also allow yourself to experience some of the greatest joys that human kind can experience. That is the reward of all this. This is why I will continue searching and why I can not let science interfere. I would be lying if I said I haven’t made some dumb choices that absolutely defy logic for the pursuit of love, but do I regret it? Well, yeah some of it, some of them were really stupid mistakes. That doesn’t mean I am going to stop though. To quote a favorite, if not completely cheesy lyric, “I love love, I love being in love, I don’t care what it does to me.”

Personal Philosophy

On Resolutions 2011.


My customary resolutions post. Late, but here. It might not interest any of you out there in the spacetubes, but to me it’s important to write this stuff down. Writing it down makes it real. It gives me a reference point. A way to evaluate myself at year’s end. A hard copy that can’t be rationalized out by my brain. In essence, this is why I do it. I am a firm believer in Kaizen: constant improvement. Every day you should strive to be a better person than you were the day before. Doing something small everyday will help you achieve you goals. That is really the problem with achieving goals. If you have a big goal in mind, break it down into manageable chunks. Taking something on that is huge and amorphous is setting yourself up for failure. Anyway, enough parables, onto my goalsolutions (goals and resolutions).

Get into shape.

This is pretty self-explanitory. Not only that, but it is the most tired resolution in the history of man. I have really been lax on this past year, or at least during most of it. There was a stint in the summer I was really making some headway, but then I lazied up. I want to get some definition and some stamina. It will happen. Also, this leads me into a two-year failed resolution:

Run a marathon.

Nothing I haven’t said before, but I really need to do this. It seems pretty arbitrary, but it’s a goal I need to reach. Two years I have tried and have not mustered up the motivation to get off my butt and train. Why is this year any different. Well, the overarching goalsolution should answer that. It’s going to happen. Are you pumped? I am so pumped.

Become a digital minimalist.

This one requires much more focus than just this little post. I will go much farther into detail in a separate post. In a nutshell, all my stuff is going digital, baby!

Be more adult.

No. Stop it now. I do not mean to be more adult (growl). I mean to grow up. Start acting more like an adult. I am definitely reaching that point if not already there and it’s not something that happens naturally, at least for me. So, I am making a conscious decision to do it. This is probably seems boring by any stretch of the imagination, but it’s something my generation sorely lacks. Let me try to explain this in more certain terms.

Stop whining about doing things that are not desirable.

Chores, things for the family, homework, studying, anything that is not completely enjoyable at the start. I am guilty of complaining when doing certain activities and that’s find for an adolescent. I’m an adult now and it’s time to stop bitching. Bitching stops. Do it and grow a pair. It sucks, but it needs to get done and if it’s your responsibility then do it. Really, it’s as clear as that. To achieve things in life especially your dreams you are going to need to do some undesirable things and put work into it, but the reward is far greater.

Become organized and stick to it.

Over the past year I have really gotten more organized. Everything is calendarized and listed. It has helped improve my focus immensely. This year I need to get even more focused. Everything needs to be filed away and not left to swim around in my brain. All my papers and important documents need to be where I know them. Again, it’s all the boring parts of being an adult.

No excuses.

Stop making excuses for not doing things. This ties into stop whining. Just do it. Stop being so flippin’ lazy.

Learn skills that will be useful later.

I have a pretty vast skill set that may help me down the road, but there is some things I want to learn still, especially about mechanical stuff. I am pretty well versed in the ways of electricity, but my knowledge of fixing mechanical issues with cars or bikes is limited. I need to change that. Always good to improve your knowledge base as well as save a few bucks along the way.

Record keeping/ Finances

I need to start recording my financial transactions better. I have all this stat knowledge now and I need to start evaluating how I spend money. Along with that I need to track repairs and certain other boring stuff so I can reference later. Most people never get to this point in their entire lives. I will not be one of them.


This makes adulthood seems super boring, but if I get systems in place that I can rely on that makes the grown-up stuff go by quicker, I can go be a kid doing fun stuff. It is all about balance and if you sway too much in one direction or the other life becomes unenjoyable or unsustanable. Here is to 2011. Let’s make it a great one!


Learn more Japanese.

This one kid of slipped my mind when I was writing this, but it is important. These past couple of years I have let my Japanese skills go by the wayside. Not this year. I plan on creating a plan to study a specific amount every day. Even if it’s only a kanji or two and some vocab. The little bits add up and by the end of the year I will have accumulated quite a bit. No more slacking on this. I need to buckle down. So, look for me to be a lot more annoying as I sprinkle in new things about Japanese I learned into everyday conversation. Ja ne!