Personal School

Wakarimasen! (I don’t understand!)

I am sitting here try to do some homework, and sometimes I just can’t understand it. I really hate it when I can’t understand something. I don’t consider myself an unintelligent person, just some things trip me up. The problem I face is that if I don’t get something fairly quickly it discourages me to the point of wanting to give up. I try to find an answer, but sometimes text books are so poorly written and unorganized it’s impossible to actually find a trace of the information you are looking for. It absolutely drives me crazy when homework differs from notes in class and in the book. It pretty much defeats the purpose of homework. If I have to go see someone about the homework then you need to restructure the way homework is assigned. I understand homework is supposed to be hard sometimes, but if they give you ridiculously simple examples and then lay it on than that is not really teaching at all is it? I am just ticked and annoyed at some of my assignments. How about you guys?

Personal School

Surprise, surprise.

Do you ever have have a moment when you just realize you understand something and everything just clicks. Well, I had one such moment this morning. I was at working having an innocuous conversation with Justin while doing math. It was one of those half talking half reading. I came upon a problem where it asks to take the magnitude of the trigonometric unit vector. I just realized, well that’s stupid, it will always be 1. BAM! I even said it to Justin then proceeded to explain unit vectors to him. It was like I learned something from college. Wtf is that about?

Personal Purdue School


I am so tired. This week has really taken it out of me. I have had a calc exam, 2 physics homework assignments, 2 Japanese quizzes, 3 Japanese homework assignments, 2 Calc assignments, a CS lab, and a phys lab. I just want to sit back with a tall, icy, refreshing, video game to calm me down. I only have one more class today then I am home free. It’s for my electrical engineering lecture class. It’s over ethics which means they are going to ask dumb things like, “If you have one bullet left and your wife is being held captive, but your boss is on fire and headed towards an overturned petroleum tanker next to the company’s money, who do you shoot?” I am so very excited for the weekend. Then come next week it’s break!

On a side note, I am in severe needs of new music, so why not suggest some? Leave a comment or two.