Blog Day 2011 Personal

On Claustrophobia.

Buried movie

I was trying to think of “irrational” fears that I have and I don’t think I have many. I feel all my fears are based purely in a logical realm. The closest thing I can account for is a minor case of claustrophobia. It comes only when I am tight space where I can’t easily find escape. Examples would be under a house or a tunnel with crawling room only. Even watching that sometimes bring on a mini panic attack. There was an episode of Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe where he has to catch animals under a house. I was scared for him. Also, if anyone were to follow me in a tunnel that was only as big as my body I would probably start kicking them if they decided to play a “joke” on me. Their face would be the price they pay.

If I am locked in a closet I don’t get scared or anything. It’s usually just when I am in a horizontal position. Maybe the best way to phrase this is I am just afraid of enclosed horizontal positions.

I would also have a panic attack if I was ever to wake up buried alive. The ensuing heart attack would kill me before lack of air or nutrients could get me. I don’t fear it happening to me, but imagining it is gruesome indeed.

I am sorry this is my phone in post. I just don’t have much more to say about it. Please, don’t bury me alive. I’ll be your best friend.

Blog Day 2011 Personal

On Christmas.

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For some reason this topic did not excite me. Which is weird because Christmas is far and away my favorite holiday. The only real topic I could think to write about was the christmas of ’96 also know as the Nintendo 64 christmas. The thing was I totally spoiled Christmas early that year. For whatever reason even at the age of 8 I had the foresight to pre-order what I knew was going to be a huge console release. Around comes September 29, 1996 and I knew my mom was out at the store picking up my brand spanking new Nintendo 64 and Mario 64. The following months were hard on my mother because I bugged the bejeezes out of her asking if I could open it early. It was just sitting somewhere in the house, not being played. A war crime punishable by death in some parts of the world. As the months leading to Christmas wore on, my mother’s patience wore thin. Finally, sometime in November, she caved. It was momentous. I was trembling opening that up. Unluckily for me I did not contain the knowledge I do now and had no idea what the new fangled red, white, and yellow plugs were. I was used to screwing something in the back of the TV and turning it to channel 3. I spent a while playing around to no avail. I eventually had to go buy an RF adapter. When I finally had it all set up, I flipped the switch. Instantly, I was inundated with what could only be described as the future. It was so fun. Even though it was before Christmas it was the best Christmas present I can remember. The most anticipated at least.

This video was me in a nutshell.


Blog Day 2011 Nonsense

On 12 Rhyming Couplets.


A dark and dreary night upon the Erie.
Stood a sailor, quite weary.

Battered by the spume and spray.
He bitterly looked upon the bay.

Much of his life gone.
All that remained was his brawn.

Opportunities missed.
Loves gone unkissed.

He saw fellow seamen come and go.
While he maintained the status quo.

He believed his luck would change.
He would come out in this exchange.

Seasons came and seasons went.
Never realizing just how much time was spent.

One day, he thought!
This will not be all for naught!

Just one great catch.
Then I will have enough to meet my match.

She is only interested in the rich.
She will then be the one I hitch.

As he enters his twilight years.
And looks upon them with flowing tears.

He gazes upon the Sea.
Realizing he will never be free.