Video Video Games

Double Fine Adventure Documentary

Alright, a favorite scene from a movie/TV show/documentary. Because I am still vying for the belt of king dork, I am choosing a documentary. Specifically, I am talking about the wonderful documentary put together by 2 Player Productions. The documentary follows the Double Fine team during the production of their Kickstarted adventure game, now known and released as Broken Age. While this is about a specific scene, the documentary is fantastic. It’s well shot and scored, and follows some charismatic, passionate people around doing something really amazing. I can’t recommend it enough.

To the scene! It is embedded above and should start at the appropriate spot. If not it is at 22:17, the bar crawl scene. This scene just makes me happy. It encompasses so much in such a small package. The Double Fine gang take a drinking tour of their previous projects namesake. First let’s address dive bars. Dive bars are great! Usually garishly lighted with a cadre of neon and rope lights; it provides a great atmosphere. This scene combines the past, with all its ups and downs, and the untarnished optimism of the future. It’s a visual representation of the feeling you get before you to embark on an adventure (pun very much intended); before you get mired in the details and the slog of the midpoint. I personally relish this moment, because I’ve been through the process enough times to know how taxing long projects can be. You get sick of seeing the same thing over and over and wonder if you are really making any progress. So, this moment before. Bliss.

This scene also illustrates the comradery of the team and the personality that only comes out when you away from the confines of the office. Their affection for one another clearly comes through the screen. It looks like a fun, memorable night out. They have the added bonus of seeming just like the people I want to be hanging out with.

Can we talk about the score? Good. Because it is on point! Seriously. Why not throw a few shekels the artist’s way and pick it up from Band Camp?

It is entirely plausible and likely I am looking too much into this, but that is what it feels like to me and I never get tired of watching it. The entire documentary is free on YouTube and you really should watch it, even if you don’t give a flip about video games. It’s really something special.

Guys, I kind of like video games, just a pinky toe.

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