Video Games

Boy oh, Game Boy

Game BoyMost of the blogs I am reading these days are making a big stink about the Game Boy turning 20, as they should be. I thought I would write a lil’ something, something as well because it did have an impact on my life when I was growing up. For the first couple of systems I owned I was about a generation behind by the time I got it. My NES was a hand-me-down from my cousins and I didn’t get a SNES until quite a bit after it’s release. At the time I was quite oblivious to any real gaming news. My cousins who lived in New York were my source for all things video games. As far as I knew they were the best players around and had the inside info on all the latest games. One of their trips when they came to visit they brought along their Game Boy with Mario Land 2 and Tetris and let me have a go with it. I was blow the hell away. My tiny adolescent mind could not comprehend what I was doing. I was playing NES quality games (sans color) without being tied to grid or a TV. It was a spiritual moment for me. From that moment on I think the only things that came out of my mouth were, “Hey Mom, could I get a Game Boy?” That following birthday my consistent nagging finally awarded me with a shiny new Game Boy and a copy of Super Mario Land 2. That was the first new game system I had every received. That system got me through so many hard car trips and waiting rooms. If we were going anywhere that even sounded remotely boring, the Game Boy came too. After I became more hardcore into Video Games the Game Boy and I had a little falling out. I flipped in on every once in a while, but it mainly sat there collecting dust, and by collecting dust I mean sealed away in a container to protect it from the elements. I am very careful with my stuff.

Pokemon Blue

In comes this new craze called Pokemon. Holy crap, Pokemon. That dominated about three years of my youth and made my Game Boy the number one attention hog for a while. I am glad it was not only me. All my friends caught on to. Recess meant link-cables would be flying all around. This is the first time I felt the magnitude of Game Boy. I don’t want this entry to shift towards Pokemon, but I can’t see how it didn’t lift sales across the board. Everyone had one. Even girls! That began my lifelong obsession with finding a girl who actually liked Video Games. Just for those out there wondering. They still elude me.

Anyway, the Game Boy is forever cemented in my mind as the system that brought Video Games into everyday life. It was possible to go somewhere and game without boundaries, provided you had 4 AA batteries. As a testament to it’s quality, my original Game Boy still works without fail almost 17 years later. Thanks Nintendo, and thanks Game Boy!


Track of the Week for 4/20/09

The Dismemberment Plan

The Dismemberment Plan – Crush

I am excited about this week’s Track of the Week because The Dismemberment Plan is one of my favorite bands ever. Following in the tracks of last week (pun fully intended) this is another cover, and again of a pop song. This one has had so much radio play I doubt anyone has not heard it. If you do take a listen to the original you may not even listen to the lyrics but may be shaking your behind to the beat. Upon listening to The Plan’s cover you uncover a deeper meaning to the lyrics with their slowed down tempo, minimalist backing, and often creepy vibe. The track is off a joint album between The Dismemberment Plan and Juno aptly named The Dismemberment Plan/Juno. It’s a pretty awesome and very curt album coming in at only 4 tracks. There is an awesome cover of High Noon by DJ Shadow done with real instruments. Pretty cool indeed. As always, download is on the right sidebar.


Enough already!

First off, we get it. Tea bagging. It’s a double entendre. It doesn’t need to be pointed out any longer. Second, I have a little beef with the people who are doing such bagging of tea. Your symbol is a bag of tea and you are assumed to be perpetrators of a “Modern day Boston Tea Party.” I am not impressed by your lack of historical knowledge. It’s either that or a stand skewing of history to fit your specific situation. Honestly, I am not sure which is it. Let me provide you with a refresher. The date is December 16, 1773, and the colonists are pissed. They want to know why they should have to pay taxes on tea to their British overload without even so much as a say in Parliament. The colonists get together and decide, “You know what? We are tired of this, let’s do something about it, k?” They assembled on a boat and dumped three shipments of tea headed for the motherland right into the Boston Harbor. History is made.

Now can you spot the fundamental difference between these two events? The “revolutionaries” of today are quite represented by their….representatives in congress. They are pissed because they don’t like what Obama is doing. I am afraid to say it, but that’s Democracy. Democracy doesn’t work on a system of everyone gets what they want. It’s based upon a majority vote. Now, it sucks that you don’t like it, and all I can say to that is keep trying to get your message out and protesting and perhaps people will listen and elect officials that will vote in your favor, but DO NOT go around comparing yourself to the revolutionaries of olde. You are represented, find another symbolic gesture.

Please don’t misinterpret this. I think protesting and questioning things is fantastic. People should be involved in their government and if something is fishy to them; they should get involved and try to fix it. That I believe is the true American way. STARS AND BARS! EMERICA! THESE COLORS DON’T RUN! *cough* excuse me.